Recently published article on Li-ion cell finalization

I am excited to share that a paper I worked on as a co-author with colleagues of the Institute for Machine Tools and Industrial Management at TU Munich has just been published! It is titled: Introducing Inline Process and Product Analysis for the Lean Cell Finalization in Lithium-Ion Battery Production and is open access:

We proposed a novel Li-Ion cell finalization process, which integrates several finishing operations into one unit: electrolyte wetting and formation. These processes are the main bottleneck for the cell finishing process, as they are the longest processes and require storage and monitoring. We propose a production system which integrates, automates and monitor these steps closely with novel measuring techniques such as electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (Figure 1). An integration within a fully digital production system would allow a close monitoring of the cell quality as well as increase cell throughput (see Figure 2). This results in a leaner cell finalization process.

Written on December 14, 2021