
Hi there! Nice to meet you. My name is Amedeo Ceruti.

I am a chemical engineer from Barcelona, Spain. I post blog entries about my current and past research, as well as other unrelated topics here.

Research interests

My main research interests are modeling and optimization of energy and process systems with first-principle, data-driven or hybrid approaches. After a reasearch stay at the SUPERLAB at the ETH Zürich in 2021, I started my PhD at TU Munich at the Chair of Energy Systems in March 2022. Currently I am working on sector-coupled optimization of energy systems with a focus on renewable heat supply. To achieve this, I am using tools such as mixed integer linear programming (MILP), robust optimization and stochastic programming.

More broadly, I am interested in energy systems, sustainability metrics (LCA, planetary boundaries), optimization (under uncertainty), machine learning, amongst others. I also do some teaching for the master’s course “Solar Thermal Power Plants”. Ultimately, my goal is to use the knwoledge provided by these “tools” to design sustainable processes of all sorts while applying systems engineering and life cycle thinking perspectives. A particularly exciting question to me is the multi-scale nature of systems and how to navigate it to arrive at robust, real-world “optimal” decisions.


You can download my CV here or see an embedded version here.


I enjoy playing water polo and reading (currently reading “Exiting the Vampire Castle” by Mark Fisher) in my free time. I am always excited to visit local museums, libraries and bookshops!

Contact me

Feel free to contact me on LinkedIn or Twitter.

You can also shoot me an email at amedeo.ceruti@tum.de.